Thursday, July 3, 2008

Checking Out Inferiority Complex

Checking Out Inferiority Complex     

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Checking Out Inferiority ComplexBy: CECILL ARTATES

Whether you're fat or thin, black or white, yellow or brown, big or small --- somehow, in some little way --- you might have had thoughts of inferiority. The self-defeating attitude of comparing ourselves with others...the little negative things we tell ourselves only serve to put our own self-image in a bad light. We sometimes tell ourselves that we are not good enough, pretty enough, or smart enough. And when this sense of "being less in value compared to others" controls our behavior, it can already be considered an inferiority complex.

An "inferiority complex" or extremely low self esteem is a concept we are all familiar with. Chances are, we know someone or even we ourselves suffer from this complex. People with low self-esteem are more likely to be irritable or aggressive. They may also be more likely to have feelings of resentment, alienation, and suffer depression.

An inferiority complex, in the fields of psychology and psychoanalysis, is a feeling that one is inferior to others in some way. It is often unconscious, and is thought to drive afflicted individuals to overcompensate, resulting either in spectacular achievement or extreme antisocial behavior. It is a fomr of psychological and emotional disability that adversely affects a person's well-being.

The subconscious mind of a man still carries the same feelings of being weak compared to others and that's why he felt worthless compared to others. The man labeled himself with labels like being weak, inadequate, stupid, or clumsy. These labels accompanied him everywhere and although they were buried deep into his subconscious mind, they took control of his behavior and feelings. He tried to convince himself that he is fine now and that he doesn't have a reason to feel inferior again but this never worked, his subconscious mind needs much more than this in order to stop making him feel inferior.
Usually rejection by family and friends, or exceedingly high expectations is often the root cause of an inferiority complex. A man's view of himself is based on the things he or she is being told, the specific situations that a man is experiencing, and the way he or she is treated. Inferiority complex is deeply rooted in the man's childhood. Children suffering from an inferiority complex isolate themselves from others and become preoccupied with their feelings of inferiority. As they grow up they are unable to face failures and they feel they don't have what it takes to succeed in life.
Years later, when a child grows up and starts to be more socially adept, opportunities to overcome low self-esteem increase. The once-insecure child can strive to excel in school or in sports. Yet in the back of that child's mind, those old self-defeating thoughts might still lie dormant and ready to resurface during the next encounter with failure or put-downs from other people.
People who suffer from an inferiority complex can also become obsessed with their weaknesses. They always keep thinking that others are superior to them. They often get nervous while talking to others, especially if the opposite person is talking confidently.
Nature doesn't believe in similarity. It creates creatures and objects, human beings included, with such unmistakable uniqueness. Even twins are different from each other in so many ways. perhaps the key to overcome the sense of low self-worth is to begin taking stock of our good and unique features or qualities. By developing those qualities, skills, and attributes, we are able to "shine" and achieve identity and distinction. Indeed, inferiority complex is an irrational and unhealthy condition. Every person on the planet has at least one unique quality that is superior to others. Given that fact, how can one be inferior?

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