Thursday, October 25, 2007

Anxiety Attack Therapies

Are you having trembling, sweating, contraction of the chest?. When a person feels extreme fear one can safely consider that the person is suffering from symptoms of anxiety attack. However, the same person can have different signs and symptoms during an anxiety attack and most of the symptoms do not last more than half an hour.

The panic attack symptoms are nothing new and have affected as many as 20 million people in the USA, which works out to be one in every 14 people! The panic attack symptoms could include nausea, hypertension, obsessive-compulsive behaviors and other symptoms.

Getting treatment for panic attacks can be as simple as having a great diet, relaxation or a regular exercise. Eating properly and nourishing your body the nutrients it needs is an important step to equipping your organs and blood with the enzymes it needs to perform its job. Taking the time to enjoy life is one of the verybest anxiety disorder therapies for you.

Using Therapy And Medication To Attack Your Anxiety Attack Symptoms

There are different kinds of therapies available that can help you to control panic attack symptoms. There is a treatment called behavioral therapy that can be used to help anxiety disorder sufferers to relieve their symptoms. This therapy involves altering the way the sufferer perceives or thinks certain situations. By changing the way you perceive certain situations, those particular situations can become less intimidating and help with the tendency to inflate a situation to an unmanageable level. This anxiety disorder treatment is usually used for patients who suffer from certain phobias like social phobias or social anxiety disorder.

The aim of the treatment is to expose the sufferer to the things that trigger their condition. Hopefully they will realize that the consequences for these kind ofsituations are not nearly as bad as they thought.. The behavioral aspect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a must for people desperately looking for help for anxiety. By teaching the persons breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and the desensitization process, the therapist will help the sufferer alter his behavior slowly. People who need help for anxiety due to paranoia will step-by-step be taken through several stimulated experiences, where step-by-step the fear of people will be overcome.

One sure-fire way of getting in control of the anxiety symptoms is to take medication which may help you to break the vicious cycle. Todays anxiety medication is very effective in treating anxiety attacks. Your physician will tell you which medication you should take. Remember that it normally takes several weeks for the medication to have any effect. There is a number of different and effective medications are available. These different groups of drugs are "Azapirones", "Benzodiazepines", "Tricyclic Antidepressants", "Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors", "Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors".

The most often prescribed drug type to panic attack suffers is the benzodiazepine drug type where "Alprazolam" is the most prescribed of that type of drug. However, the benzodiazepine is a medication drug class that claims it solves anxiety symptoms in 70-80 percent of the patients. One problem with this is that the pamphlet that is included together with the drug informs that benzodiazepine can CAUSE anxiety!

Beta blockers are the best drug class to control anxiety attack symptoms and are normaly prescribed to prevent rapid heartbeat, symptoms related to shaking and trembling. The beta blockers also have less side effects than any other forms of medication, but they can cause insomnia and other sleep-related issues like nightmares. In the case of anxiety panic attacks, as the beta blockers does not actually cure the panic attack, most health care professionals do not prescribe beta blockers.

Medication And Anxiety Attack Therapy Working Together

therapy can often be used together for treatment of anxiety attacks. When the patient changes the way they perceive certain things, the behavioral therapy is successful. If medication is prescribed, it can take weeks to fully work. Medications as an anxiety attack treatment help regulate certain chemicals that the brain needs. By combining the two treatments, the sufferer can effectively battle their anxiety attacks.

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